Wells-Barkerville Community Forest

The Wells Barkerville Community Forest was approved and granted to the Wells Barkerville Community Forest Corporation in 2014.  The forest covers approximately 4300 hectares to the north of the town of Wells. 

The Wells-Barkerville Community Forest Ltd (WBCF) is governed by a Board comprised of seven Directors.  It is a Corporation that has a single shareholder, which is the District of Wells.  The WBCF is committed to managing the forest in a sustainable way while also benefiting the local community.

Being right on the edge of town, the WBCF contains some of the area's recreation trails, forms part of the town's viewscape, is a popular non-timber forest product harvesting area, and contains one local home. The WBCFC is committed to being open, providing information to the community, and listening to public input.  


NOTE: This page is currently under development.